A Partner of Humanity's One Thought
Please keep in mind your Thought will be entered into a volume of Humanity’s One Thought depending on the date and time you submit your entry in accordance with our publishing process. Thank you, happy thinking!
If you wish to provide details about yourself in the Tagline of your Thought Entry, please choose up to 5 details to be included with your thought. This portion of your entry is optional, but highly recommended.
In the space below, you can create your Thought Entry to be published in a book volume of Humanity’s One Thought. Please remember there is a 333 character limit to your entry. Characters include letters, punctuation marks, and symbols. For example, ‘Peace out!’ would count as 9 characters. We gave you a little extra room to account for the spaces between your words.
If you’re unsure how or where to begin your entry, here are some suggested guidelines and tips.